People who do not stop for ambulances or fire trucks that are trying to cross an intersection, and in fact speed up, should be shot -- or at the very least ticketed. There, that is my soap box for today.
On a happier note, we spent a chunk of today with Lora for her daughter's 4th birthday party. The fact that I did not run from there screaming, rather thought about how cute each of the kids were and what stage each of them was at in development (even the teens) and such tells me that I may very well be ready to be very serious about adoption. I mean, it was not that long ago that a situation like today would have been nothing more than birth control for me; but this was really a wonderful occasion. Maddy was priceless as she opened her presents: "Awesome!" " OH! How ADORABLE!" "WOW! Look at THIS!" All with such enthusiasm. Totally made my heart smile. One very cute little girl with a very big personality.
After we indulged in pizza and birthday cake, we went to the gym, much to my chagrin. I have definitely been off the wagon when it comes to eating and exercising, and I have not been doing it as much or as well as I should be. Well I bitched and moaned the whole drive there, but ya know what? It was a great work out. I actually lifted weights with Ken and did some cardio as well. I think doing it with Ken made it all better and totally worth it! (Thanks Honey for "making" me go.)
Finally, before I go on to finish this weekend that is turning out great, I must brag... My husband, wonderful husband and friend that he is, took me on a date last night. We went to dinner and then to see SEX AND THE CITY! OMG! It was so great! Kinda like a full season crammed into a movie, but it was wonderful. While most people were there with their girlfriends, I got to go with Ken. It was really cool. He is my best friend and I cannot imagine having such a great evening with anyone else. Ken watched the show when it was on (yes, he has a chick side) so he knew all the references and history and was able to enjoy it with me. We actually had conversation after the flick to discuss the story and characters and such. I cannot tell you enough how much I enjoyed myself. Now, that I have seen it, though, I am ready to see it a second time with a girlfriend or two. Just so I can pay better attention to details.
Now I am off to wash my workout off and go to dinner at PF Chang's with my best friend, Ken.
I am so glad you guys enjoyed yourselves at the party - with all the craziness that ensued! Thanks also for helping me write the gifts down, that was a MAJOR help.
Sweeeeet, you got to see the movie! I so want to go see that!
Ken is a much better husband than me. I would have done the dinner thing then gone to a separate movie. Not very romantic, is it?
You may want to change the link to Lora. It's a funky site that pops up. :)
Awww Ken is the best! I know how much you wanted tos ee that movie and it sounds like the perfect night.
Your description of Maddie's reactions to her presents is adorable!
And I have to agree about the ambulance thing. I have the same issue with stupid people and fire trucks too.
I am so glad that you had a wonderful night. Yeah for having a sweet husband that would go with you to make a perfect night. =)
Yes I agree about the ambulance thing. People just don't think.
Thanks for going swimming today. It was really fun!
So Ken was one of the three guys I saw at SATC. :) I wondered who they were. How good was that movie? I really liked it. And did you catch Charlotte's two girls are Lily and Rose and I have a Lily Rose. Ahhh! Loved it!
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