I have no problem throwing things away. (STOP LAUGHING!)
Papers sitting on my desk -- garbage
Receipts in my wallet -- garbage
Extra buttons that come with clothes -- garbage
Ken's socks with holes or stained shirts -- garbage
Bad photos of myself -- garbage
Leftovers that neither of us are eating -- garbage
See? I CAN throw things away, and do so very often!
BUT... yes, you knew there would be a but, I just cannot seem to clean out my closet and throw or donate things away. I cleaned out my shoe tree 2 times last year and again today. The shoes are all sitting in a box. I get phone calls from various charitable organizations daily. Yet, I still cannot bring myself to get rid of this overflowing box o' shoes.
The same thing goes with Ken's clothes that he has shrunk out of. I have a pile of jeans just sitting there and cannot bring myself to box or bag them up and ship them out. And don't even get me started on the clothes in the guest room closet -- a lot of those were my Mom's. I am not in such a hurry to dump those.
Do any of you have the same issues? I mean really? I have shirts in my closet from high school and college. They still fit, or fit again, and I just cannot bring myself to get rid of them. I know that my friend Lora is cringing as she reads this, as she is the QUEEN of discarding. But I just cannot seem to do this one thing. Get rid of clothes and shoes. What is the one thing you just cannot part with?
AND -- do you wanna come help me get this monkey off my back?
I have the same problem. But hubby is even worse. He won't throw anything out! He is so sure he will need it as soon as he tosses it out. At least I purge once in awhile, just not enough. We need a bigger house just for all of our stuff.
I have this problem with keepsakes. Like cards or tickets. Small things like that. Clothes? Sometimes but not nearly as often.
LOL I knew my name was going to come up in there somewhere. Yeah, ya can't stand still too long in my house or you'll end up at Goodwill.
Some things I get attached to and have a harder time, but that's personal stuff I just need to throw out, not donate.
I throw away everything except clothes. I'm one of those yo-yo dieters and I've learned that those jeans that are too big will someday work just fine.
I guess I can;'t throw away pictures, either. Thank goodness they're all digital now.
I have a hard time getting rid of clothes. (OK ~ it has to be because then I would have to buy more, and well you know me) I have a ton of shoes that I probably should get rid of, but (yes here is the butt) "I paid $$$ for those shoes. I haven't gotten my money out of them. Which is why I still am wearing the same tennis shoes I bought in high school. Though I bought a new pair it is nice to have a pair to mow the grass. So I guess I really am no help. =)
Sorry, I have an office full of boxes of things I haven't looked at in years. No help from me.
We went through a lot of my pack rat issues when I emptied out my house and moved to the condo. (Ok, some of it went into boxes for now.) But I keep thinking that I'll need some of those sometime soon... and once in awhile, I do.
Well.. the great thing about getting rid of things that are not needed, is that it makes room for new things..
So think of all the potential shopping opportunities you would have if you just had more closet space!
Is that Norstroms I hear calling?
Did you pack your computer in the closet? :)
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