Saturday, August 06, 2005

How Old is Old

Well, the concert last night was an adventure, to say the least. I will start with the basics -- the music was great, the crowd was mixed age and it was pretty much a good time looking for a place to happen. Howie Day put on a great show, and I had a marvelous time with Ken and my friends Shawn and George. Shawn is really good people, and I love spending time with her. That, and she actually enjoys spending time with me and Ken and lives in Hender-tucky near Ken. That being said... Oh My God! I am OLD!

At what point did standing room only for a 3-hour concert become a cool thing? Anna Nallick was wonderful, her tunes were great and she was adorable, with, as Ken puts it, "an Angelina Jolie" mystique about her. But she is a mere 20 years old! At 20, can you imagine what it would have felt like to be standing on stage at the House Of Blues in Las Vegas with throngs of people grooving to your tunes? Ok, well, maybe throngs is an overstatement, and "grooving" would definitly date me. Now I know, I am not THAT old, but when you lose feeling in your toes and your back is killing after standing for a show and you think the "hot" singer is "adorable"... something tells me, I am getting there. To make matters worse, there were these two kids, as it turns out, literally kids, standing next to me and Ken. They looked young, but I was figuring 20 or so....try 16! They were 16! Ken and I both felt decrepit on the spot. I said they were cute, and the girl said, "you guys are cute too." While overwhelmed with, "yes, yes we are cute" feelings, I was also feeling rather dorky that a 16 year old was telling me that me and my boyfriend were "cute". Sigh...

Now... on to my boyfriend... the love of my heart and the man who makes me smile.... sometimes. I was told last night, as we were standing nestled together as "cute" couples do when standing at a rock concert, that I need to go to Arthur Murray's for dance classes! Me!?!? Can you imagine? The fact of the matter is that he is right. I can dance and shake my bumm bumm with the best of them. I cannot, however, follow a lead when dancing with someone. Oh my dear, for the rest of the show I was trying desperately to relax enough to allow him to lead our swaying or dancing, or whatever you call it. But in the end, that really is irrelevant. For the first time, last night, I was the one with a man to dance with when the "sappy" song came on. For those moments, I was totally lost and he an dI were the only people in that entire place. I know, GAG! But for those of you who know me, and know how sappy I can be, it is understandable how this is something worth writing down for posterity sake.

But back to this "old" thing before I log off... Seriously, when did standing for three hours become a good thing?


Ken said...

Wow...I was just thinking the same thing. Sounds like we had the same evening...

Teri said...

hahaha Yep I feel old as well. That is why I will not go to standing only concerts anymore.

LoraLoo said...

I lost interest in standing room only somewhere around 25. The last one I attended was No Doubt and we ended up leaving early - all of us over 25 feeling incredibly old and tired.

New White Keds said...

Well, at least I am not in this one alone, and no one is telling me that the feeling old thing was silly. Thank God.

Martin said...

Old is when everyone in the audience could be your child. 3 hours in standing room only is tough but it does take a lot of practice. After you get that down, there are always the outdoor music festivals like the new one coming to town. That should be a good 12 hour event.

New White Keds said...

Speaking of festival concerts, what happened to Junefest!? Granted, they kept bringing back the same bands year after year, but that was one hell of a show. Extended time in the sweltering sun, classic rock and some of the best people watching ever -- all gone. Anyone know what happened to it?