Monday, August 08, 2005


I do believe I experienced an anomaly last night. If you can call it that. Actually, perhaps it was more of a serendipitous moment, a happy find and a moment of absolute shock and amazement. I had nothing to do. Literally, NOTHING. No place I had to be, nothing I had to do and no one I had to call. I looked at Ken with my mouth agape and just kinda did not know what to do with myself. Of course within about 40 minutes, if that long, I was up and puttering and making dinner and "stuff", but it was just the nicest 40 minutes I can recall in a while (outside of Wicked!). Loo laughed at me when I told her, and she credited Ken for the down time. Funny, how if there were no Ken in my life and something like that had happened, it would have been cool, and a good thing. But since there is a Ken in my life, it became a bit of a gift and a treat, courtesy of Ken.

I must say, along that train of thought, how humorous I find it that most things good in my life are being credited to Ken these days. When I say I am happy to someone who inquires about my wellbeing, it is automatically assumed that I am dating someone. When I am smiling and on the phone, it is assumed that Ken is on the other line. When I say that my life really feels like it is coming together, it is credited to finding a wonderful man. Now, the fact that this may be the case, I still find it humorous that that is the assumption. That the only reason I would or could be this happy is for the addition of a partner, mate and love. Maybe I need to be less predictable. Maybe I just need to shut up and revel in the happiness... Who knows?

In the meantime, my best girlfriend is going on a flight tomorrow and is very nervous -- fear of flying. I cannot say that I fear it, but is most certainly not my favorite thing to do. She will be gone for a week to visit her brother and his family. I love the relationship she has with her siblings. Even the one she clashes with is a close friend and obviously a priority in her life. I respect that and wish her the best time with her neice and nephew. I will ponder "out loud" one day on the nature of familial relations. Until then, perhaps I should lend her Ken for her flight, it might make things all better...


LoraLoo said...

Even when there was no Ken, you were quite the happy person. He's just completing the equation, if you will. So shut up and revel! Your happiness at the solution becomes you. :)

Martin said...

Actually, I think she's always been an outwardly happy person but now she seems to be radiating it from the inside as well. B)

Teri said...

It is like the feeling of being in your pj's until noon on the weekend :)

You just kinda glow with happiniess these days because you are happy. what a novel idea...

In case you haven't figuered it out.. I'm baaaack...