Friday, August 05, 2005

Good Morning World

Well, I finally did it. Have stepped into the newest age and joined a group of minds, I like to call friends, here in Blog Land. Not sure what to start with, really. I am guessing that today will be a relatively normal day, work, lunch with the girls and then a date with the b/f. Sounds good, huh? Almost too good. But, no drama involved here, for a change. Just a nice, productive and happy day topped with seeing Howie Day and Anna Nalick at the Hard Rock, or is the the House of Blues? Oops, better figure that one out. Few things as fun as free concert tickets! Wooo Hoo!

Warning now though... I titled this Blog Overthinking for a reason. My friend Teri will tell you that my overthinking is a product of my education and forced overanalysis of things in high school. Personally, I think it goes a little deeper than that. But ya know, I will stick with the high school theory -- less my fault that way. But back to my warning... Looking to avoid drama, I am not always able to do so and unfortunately, it is often at my own doing. I cannot help but to look at things from all perspectives, views, sides and ways. Not EVERYthing per sey, but enough that it makes for some interesting thought processes. Someone once told me it was almost enjoyable to watch me turn myself into a pretzle over and over again. Is that funny? Not sure... but I am thinking humor was not her point.

Anyway, I have done it... my first blog posting and my first blathering. Oh Goody! More to come I am sure.

Have a great day!


Teri said...

Finally! I am so glad you are here :) Nice job on your first blog!!!!! Keep going, waiting to hear more from you.

Ken said...

Cool babe. Nice opening and wat to set the stage.

LoraLoo said...

Welcome to blogdom! Can't wait to see more. :)