Friday, September 05, 2008

Quoteable Fridays

"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
-- John Cage (American avant-garde composer, 1912-1992)

There is so much to be taken from this one that I will let you all take a go at it first, and respond in kind. But how appropriate it is at this time in our lives, our society and our world...

Hope everyone had a great week and that the weekend will be much enjoyed by all.


Fred said...

I wish more educators would read this quote, especially as it relates to technology. The way to reach students these days is by using podcasts, not overheads.

LoraLoo said...

When I first read this I was reminded of the great witch hunt in Salem, Massachusetts. Now that's a set of old ideas to fear!

I love Fred's comment - Podcasts, I love it!

JoeinVegas said...


LoraLoo said...

Pssst... I just gave you a blog award. :)

steph said...

Hi Amy, Itz Steph (Jen's sis) I just tagged you... Now you have an idea for a 'new post'... list 7 random, interesting, or weird facts about you on your blog then tag 7 more people and let them know! btw how r u?

Anonymous said...

This might be really strange, but I saw a comment from you on someone else's blog about the Harmony Kingdom collectibles. I am looking for Henry VIII and his six wives. Do you have these or know where I could get them? E-mail me at rhiannon777 [at]
