I have been pondering this for a while, and am finally at a place where I can put it down on "paper" and share it... I feel like my cell phone has become a leash, or rather, a noose around my neck.
As a woman, I typically carry a purse. My cell phone, therefore, goes into said purse. While I have seen several of my friends appear to have supersonic hearing, I apparently do not . I cannot hear it most of the time when it rings in my purse. Also, I tend to leave my purse in my car when it is in the garage at home. So sometimes, I just forget to grab the phone to take it in the house.
Now none of this would be an issue, except for the problem. The problem being that as a society we have become so accustomed to being able to reach anyone at any time. Cell phones have replaced land lines for a lot of people in their homes and as a matter of habit, cell phones are the first number dialed by default. We all figure that while we can call a home number, the chances of reaching our intended callee are better by dialing a cell number. After all, it is portable and will be with them at all times, right?
WRONG! I get hassled by so many people; my father, my husband, my friends... about "well, I called your cell, but you never answer it." That simply is not true. I do answer it -- when I hear it or when it is convenient. Cell phones are meant to be a convenience, are they not? If I do not answer it, it may be because it simply is not a good time to take a call, or because I simply did not hear it. Yes, there is caller ID, but that dos not mean that I see its you and choose to ignore you. It means that I know you called when I look at the screen again.
I am a bit of a hypocrite, I will admit. When I call someone on their cell, though it is usually after calling their home line, I get frustrated when they do not answer. So again, I claim the problem is a bigger one than the individual. The problem at hand is that we have become so accustomed to having 24/7 access to everyone. We have leashed ourselves.
I have gone as far as to purposefully left my phone at home -- it is so refreshing and freeing. Have you ever done this? What are your thoughts on the leash? Is there a happy medium possible? Ugh! the phone is ringing (talk about timing), my leash is being pulled...
My wife had to get one of those purses with a cell phone pouch on the strap, she couldn't find the thing inside. Perhaps if you get a little one and wear it like a necklace?
I have to agree on the whole post. I am really not all that big about talking on the phone, so there are times when I'd really like to forget it at home too. PLUS I have a work cell phone I have to haul around, which drives me bananas!!
However, being the ultra-geek that I am, I love the technology and all it represents at my fingertips!
I don't think you never answer... but that's because I never do either. We seem to make the connection at some point anyway, ya know?
Oh my goodness, I was laughing so hard reading this post. I often wonder why you have a cell phone but then I realize it wasn't that long ago you were working 14 jobs and that was the only way to get a hold of you.
I'm glad that my new job doesn't require me to carry my cell phone outside of work. It is nice not to feel like I'm at someone else's beck and call.
Well, I think for us it's a little different. We opted to not have a home phone... and, while we did end up getting one, it's off limits. I keep my cell phone on me at all times and find that without it I am often in a state of semi-agitation thinking about the horrors that are befalling my children, which of course I would know all about if I had my phone on me. :) For me, it's a tie to the kids. I don't feel that same agitation if I'm home and have left my phone in the car or on another floor.
Casey has said many times, "I don't even know why you have a cell phone" so I definately get you. It's nice to have but let's be honest if you can't reach me, then I'll call you back later when I can. =)
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