My new boss started last week, and it has been interesting to date. But she said something to me the other day that I cannot stop thinking about. So I asked her about it yesterday.
Upon looking over a tracking log that I have for my own use, nothing that anyone else sees, she pulled out a red pen and started making notes of things she wants me to change and such with the simple statement, "Oh yea, I like to edit."
We will ignore the fact that this is my own thing that I use as a tool for work that comes later in the year, and if full of little triggers for me to remember to include items in a year end evaluation of our program.
When I asked her about the comment, "Do you edit for content, or for the sake of editing?"
Her response further stuck in my craw... "I do it for style, my style. Not everyone writes in my style, so I edit to match my style."
If you want it in your style, then get off your hind end and write it yourself. If I am writing it, then it is my style... And as long as it covers all the topics, is clear, concise and professional, then LEAVE MY WRITING ALONE! One of the reasons I have my job is that I am a good writer (not necessarily in all venues). I am known for being a writer. My last couple of bosses took 3 years to hone my skill to fit my job, I have it down pat and I am damned good at it. Writing is my "thing".
DO NOT TOUCH MY WRITING to suit your own ego...
Is there any way to say that and not get my ass fired?
I imagine that conversation was very frustrating, and rightfully so. If it's something for your use only, can you keep it to yourself, and leave her out of it?
Can you say to her that you are the only one who uses this piece of information and you need it to be in your style because only you will be using it. If she wishes to make changes to other things she will be using as well that's her perogative, but she will just make it confusing for you if she insists on changing something you have honed for yourself.
Loo and Amanda... She wants me to develop the itme that has been used for my own stuff to be a "public document".
My point, though, is that she is making changes for the sake of making changes. Thatis my issue-- and that my writing is something she is looking forward to changing just drives me to drink!
Sounds to me that, by making your work public, she will be getting credit for it. I'd hate to see something you do for yourself be changed into something like that without you getting credit and control.
It kind of reminds me of the newsletter. I started it for myself and friends. Then it grew and grew. Then I started getting critiques from the newer subscribers on the layout and design. I pretty much ignore it but with this being related to your job, you are kind of stuck.
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