Monday, June 19, 2006

Good bye yellow brick road

Do you ever feel like the world is moving along and leaving you behind, like everyone is in Oz and you are left behind in Kansas?

In the past year more than half a dozen of my friends have moved away from Vegas on to other stages of their lives. As if Vegas is just a stage. But you know what I mean... And now it appears another is getting ready to fly the coop.

While I am thrilled with my life these days and realize that I am indeed moving forward, it just feels like I am standing still while all these things happen around me.

Why is it that we are never satisfied with our own lives? I feel kind of like keeping up with the Joneses has taken on a new face in this day and age. It is no longer about the nicer car or house -- but at this stage in my life it has become about the better family, the better job, the better circle of friends (which I am the winner!).

I am not complaining by any means, just musing about how our perception changes as we mature.


LoraLoo said...

The only constant IS change, right? Perhaps you're feeling some of this because so much has changed in your very own life lately (there is no standing still in your very own life - perhaps it is much easier to see from the outside).

Perception does change so much as we mature, and as the grand scheme changes.

Cupcake Blonde said...

I have been feeling that way too but not only because of me. It seems everyone is having a baby and their first question to me is "So when will you have kids?" And since they just had a baby I feel my standard response of screaming and running from the room may be a bit hard to take.

Anonymous said...

What are all of these people moving on to? what are they looking for?
Nice to know how happy you are with what you have found.. you do not HAVE TO keep looking.. enjoy what you have.
Next is the job situation.. that may very well be your next "stage"