Friday, December 23, 2005

Men will be boys...

So here is a basic question I post to all men, and well, women can answer based upon their experiences:

Just how sick does a woman, girlfriend, fiancee, wife have to be for her man to not try to put the moves on her, in some way shape or form? I am getting varied answers from non-bloggers, but I am curious from our little group.

So far, I think "vomiting" has been the number one answer. Your turns.


Ken said...

I still say anything shooting out either end, but that's really about it for me.

Kyria said...

Ew, Ken.

Mike leaves me alone when I'm sick but that's less him being worried about getting what I've got and more about him being considerate of how I feel.

Darryll said...

I would say you have a good 3 days grace period and that's about it.
Catching whatever the illness just comes with the territory of living in the same house.

Teri said...

The flu, in all varieties.. if it is a just a cold it doesn't count.

LoraLoo said...

Definitely the flu. It's gotta be the flu. :)

Martin said...

Vomiting would really put off oral sex. I don't know. If they are really looking sexy and the urge is there... maybe them being in pain, having a body rash or something contagious.