Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tag --I'm it

In a twist of virus induced dementia, Lora has tagged me. Hmph!

5 weird things about myself:
  • Through a majority of the 90's I had an unexplainable crush on Michael Bolton. Saw him in concert 15 times!
  • I have a complete fascination with everything Academy Awards, try to see all the big films before the big night, turn the phone off as soon as the red carpet starts and remain entranced for the duration.
  • Love making up my own words, "prettyful", "beautius", "ephalant" and well, just lots of Amy-isms. But my favorite word of all time is twitterpated -- not mine, I know, but I love it nonetheless.
  • I was a championship bowler in my younger days -- went to the State finals a few times and was being courted by a coach who wanted to work me into the pros when I had to stop. I threw a freakishly heavy 16 pound ball, at the age of 13.
  • I am completely incapable of keeping the inside of my car or trunk empty or clean for any duration. No matter what is happening, I look like I am living out of my car. ( I really need to work on that).

Now, with all that said, I have only one person to tag that I know reads my Blog on any kind of regular basis... TERI, Oh! and Lloyd. Go to it kids :-)

1 comment:

Ken said...

Wow. Now I know what I'm getting myself into! LOL