Well, it was an interesting week. Thanksgiving went off without a hitch, for the most part. I ended up with Bronchitis and a sinus infection which I have so generously shared with Ken -- poor baby. We made some progress with wedding stuff. But most of all, I enjoyed the time with my mom. No fights, no picking at one another. Just a nice week.
We took her to Ave Q for her birthday -- worth every penny! I don't remember laughing that hard in a long time. Went to see Rent the movie-- again, LOVED it! Now life is returning to normal as Mom left yesterday, and I am faced with wedding plans and Ken and myself both recuperating. Oh! And let's not forget the dreaded start of dieting and all the miracles of my job and the 3 accreditation audits we have pending.
We started making lists last night, and decisions about the wedding, and the holidays and such. It is amazing how overwhelming it can all be, and at the same time, how easy it was to say, "I am done for tonight, goodnight." This is going to be a good holiday season and a good year to come.
Yes. Lists. Let's not forget about the lists for the upcoming moves as well...
Ahh you have so many life changing things happening at once.. enjoy it all :)
YES, enjoy! These are once in a lifetime events. Sooooo, through all the planning, the stress, the times it feels overwhelming.... Stop. Remember this is all for a good cause, and it's only going to happen once. Then smile. :)
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