I was sucked into reading, this morning, about how Paris Hilton and her doe eyed fiance called it quits after a 5 month engagement. This, compounded with the announcement in the last 2 weeks of no less than 4 other celebrity couples -- married for as few as 5 months a piece, has really got my brain going.
Marriage, or engagement for that matter, is a decision you make. Yes, it is a promise and a covenant, but more than any of that it is a decision. Two people decide that they will be together. Two people decide that they want to be married, to make that committment. I understand that sometimes there are circumstances beyone our control, but I think it all comes down to making a decision you can live with.
Loo tickled my brain with this question this week as well, and I am more conviced than ever, that divorce should not be an option for an easy out when we change our minds. Make a decision to love someone, to be with them and to work through the bumps, and stick to it. This is not something that should have so many do-overs. We already live in a disposable society, and I refuse to believe that marriage is so easily disposable.
Yeah, go Amy! It is discouraging when you see the statistics. People decide to get divorced, because it's easy in most cases, or drama drives their life... Mind you, some divorces are meant to be - marriages can't always be successful, we've seen that through time. Today's disposable society has simply made us numb to committment and what it means.
I agree completely. While there are times when divorce is the best option. This being said, in this day and age, people get divorced because it's easier than working at the bumps that happen along the road.
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