Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I am finding that it is easy to find the time to read all my friends' blogs, but not so easy to sit down and write them. Perhaps short and sweet would do the trick.

It was an interesting weekend. Met Ken's folks for the first time and spent a significant amount of time with them. They are nice people. Everyone asks if I like them. The answer, "YES." They are both very different and interesting in their own rights. Mom is assertive, commanding and excitable. Dad is quiet, subdued and reminds me a lot of Ken, right down to the internal dialogues. I think there is a lot going on under the surface. In the meantime, it is nice to get to know them, as it is giving me a new insight to Ken.

On the other hand, I find that I am reverting to being 16 and sneaking kisses and quiet time when the parental units are not around. Ken is a little bolder than I am about that, but I feel that out of respect for his folks, we need to keep it under raps a little more. I forgot how much it sucks to say goodnight at the car on a Saturday night.

It is also interesting watching Ken around them. He is still very much a "Son" around them, and it is interesting to watch him attempt to assert himself and juggle the roles of son, man of the house and boyfriend. I think there are moments where I am getting, and will always get the short end of that stick. But he is a good egg and I think he is doing a great job of learning these roles and showing his folks that his is "all growed up". Can ya tell, I am kinda smitten with him?

I am sure there will be more as I spend more time with them. Let's just say I am perfecting the "smile and nod."


Ken said...

Hey, thanks for being so cool as we both adjust to Ken and Kathy being here. It's also interesting to read an outside party's opinion of you...

Martin said...

It's hard to change the routine but it is great to see the respect you already feel for his parents. It's always tough to balance the hats (man, son and lover) but it's good to see how he juggles them. B) Yeah, I think he's a good egg. (Having visions of Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory.)