Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sopranos a la Nevada

** For the record, I am aware that if I were to handle business better, this ranting would not be possible. Yes, I am taking responsibility for my poor actions; but that does not change how I feel about some of this stuff.

An eventful day might be a bit of an understatement. But let me say, for the record, " I am a fully licensed, insured, registered driver!" No tickets, no warrants and no fines -- FINALLY. I find the traffic court division a bit of a racket though.

I am the first to admit that one should be insured and registered, per law, if they are to drive. But say, just for instance, that insurance has lapsed, or registration is late. Do you have any idea how expensive it is to fix a ticket if you get found out!? Or what a pain in the hind end it can be? My question is simply, if I could not afford my insurance, or registration, what in the name of God's green earth makes you think I am going to have several hundred more dollars to pay fines.

No, I am not a derelict, but I will admit to my share of bad money management. Again, though, I say it is a racket... in traffic court today, you should have heard the amounts of money being demanded for things like driving 5 miles over a speed limit, not 50, but 5! $250!!!! that is CRAZY! It just feels to me like our local government is making a lot of money off of the people who can afford it least. But then again, I think that is the way a lot of things go. Bounce a check for lack of funds,. and they bank is going to charge you even more. It just all sounds like a bad movie plot to me.


LoraLoo said...

At least it's all over now. :)

Teri said...

What a sigh of relief!!!! :)

Martin said...

Actually, I was in that situation before and yes, I'd like to know where the money goes. I was making really small payments for a long time when I was making a pitiance as head of computer operations for an insurance brokerage. $650 is a lot of money if you can't even pay the $100+ to insure let alone register (which was going to happen with my first check there.) Definitely taught me a lesson though.

New White Keds said...

Marten, The whole kit and caboodle cost me in the ballpark of $1,300!!! Thank God for re-fi's and lessons finally learned.

Martin said...

Damn. Yup, they got you alright. I wonder if that difference is just inflation since 1991/2.