Sunday, February 10, 2008

When I grow up...

What do I want to be when I grow up? Any ideas? I have a ton of them, and they all sound good. I think I am paralyzed with some sort of fear as to what I am going to do.

I have toyed with a retail business that combines my Mom's collectibles with a small cafe, a degree in nutrition/Registered Dietician to allow me to help others with food related health issues take control of their lives, a culinary arts degree to allow me to cook for others- healthy or not, events/party planning, etc., the list keeps growing.

I know that whatever I finally decide on, I will be successful. It is just getting myself motivated to do it. Do I really want ot change career fields at this point in my life? Starting from scratch on the food chain? If I make the right choice my hope is that none of it will matter. I will be doing something I love and that will make everything worth it. Do what you love; love what you do.

I know that I want to work with people. I want to make a difference and I want to be an authority in the field I choose. I want to be the go-to person, the consumate professional and the person that people look to to make it all work. Do you know what I mean?

I guess the thing is that at this point in my life I have come to terms with who I am, what I am good at and what I am not so good at (a different post), and what I strive for. I am someone who seeks other's approval for a sense of my success. I just have to figure out what I am going to do to get to that place.

I am open to suggestions and ideas and input, so feel free :-)


Cupcake Blonde said...

I think the catering or nutritionist ideas sound wonderful and right up your alley. You do love to cook and you are doing so well with your diet adjustments.

Teri said...

I think you said it exactly, you will be great at whatever you decide to do. I totally understand changing careers at this stage of our lives, as I didn't turn to teaching until I was 34. But, I do have to say, I really love my job.

I think you should take a step in any of those directions. Just take a class over the summer and see if it is something that you will love to do. I can honestly say that you will know in just one class if this is the step in the right diection for you. You have nothing to lose, except a few hundred dollars and a few hours of your time. I think that is worth it in the long run.

Jennifer B said...

Whatever you decide will be awesome!! You are so motivated and pretty much rock at everything. So just go for it. Remember that even if you don't love it at least it will let you know what direction you don't want to go. Life is about growing and becoming better people. Something that you are great at doing. =) Love you.

Anonymous said...

If you do the food place, can I run a coffee counter? Always wanted to do that.

Martin said...

No suggestions here, just affirmation that you are heading in the right direction. B)