Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let's get Physical (sing it with me... )

First things first -- I hit a goal of mine tonight. I took, and finished, a full one-hour spin class with Ken at the gym. A full one hour class riding bikes at crazy tempos with varied resistances. I did it. Me. The fat girl. Can you believe it? I know! Me neither! It was one of my mid-range goals when I started Sparkpeople. And now it has been achieved. Yay me!

Now, for my rant, err, ummm, I mean post ...
Going to the gym as much as I do, I have made some observations that I would like to share with you all.

1. No, you do NOT look good with your boobs that much bigger than the rest of your body; and wearing the tiniest possible tank top/sports bra does nothing to help the situation. Nor does the orange glow of your skin. Repeat after me, "step away from the tanning bed..."

2. Is wearing a full face of makeup really a necessity when going to a place where the main objective is to sweat? I think not. Go wash your face!

3. Yes, I really can smell you from all the way over there. If you are going to a place where you will be sweating, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take the two seconds to put on a fresh coat of deoderant, or do not sit on the bike next to me and raise your arms up to stretch. Please!

4. I realize that the point of the gym is to get in shape. But there are a lot of us that go there to get into shape. I too would like to look kinda cute or at least not feel like a dorm freshman in my grungies when I work out. Is it too much to ask that the makers of fitness clothes make them in sizes that might actually fit those of us that are at the gym 5 days a week? I mean it! If you can fit into most of the stuff they sell there, chances are that you do not need to be there and you already have your fair share of cute clothes. Give a girl a break!

5. I am sure there are more but this will work for a first rant. Now back to success stories.

Since October I have dropped more than 20 pounds of pure fat (sick, huh?) which equals about 4% body fat, 1 inch from my upper arm, 5.75 inches from my chest (sorry Ken), 4.75 inches from my waist, 4.5 inches from my hips, and 2 inches from my thigh. How about them apples?!?!?

I am now going to ice my seat region in an attempt to recover from the bike seat and the damage it did in my cycling class. That was just not right.


Ken said...

I am so proud of you. First, you've dropped 55 pounds, and maximized your fat loss while minimizing lean body mass. Second, you made it through an entire spin class. This is something you had deemed unattainable, and you made it through!

But yes - seat covers are a must for next time!

LoraLoo said...

Okay - now I get the message you left me today!!

Hooray on all the accomplishments!

Your rant? Exactly why I don't do gyms. Kudos to you for doing it and sticking to it despite the rant. :)

Kyria said...

Amy, that's so fabulous. I'm so happy for you. I honestly can say that I know exactly how excited you are. When I lost that first 15 pounds I was excited. Setting my sights on 30 this summer is SO ATTAINABLE and I wonder now why I waited so long to give it a try. I think too many people look at weight loss as something they _have_ to do... as a job, as work. Really, it just kind of happens when you're living life the way you should. It's so easy and so great and I kick myself for being less than thrilled with my body in my 20's because I was so busy lamenting how hard it was instead of just doing it. Good luck on your next goal.

Anonymous said...

Good work! But your points, arent #2 and #3 kind of counter-productive? I mean, if you are going to sweat, then sweat. As long as you wipe the equipment off after.

Martin said...

Congrats, Amy! I agree with all your rants (except for that mention about the tiny sports bra supporting a chest bigger that the rest of their body.) I think that's why I just wear baggy t-shirts and sweatpants.