I was 21 when we got her. Well, not we actually, more like my Mom. Her name would be Rosebud -- for when she rolled over to expose her tummy, you could plainly see her tender pink (rose bud) skin through her fur. At the time, all I ever thought was that she was my Mom's dog, and cute as could be for a ball of fur. White with black spotting. Over time the spotting got to be more and more, kind of like freckles on the face of a child. One minute they are plain faced, and the next, you could play connect the dots.
Over time the color markings on her fur are not all that have changed; she is now grey and white-ish verses the true black and white of the past. She grew up. Bigger than a Laso Apso should grow. Turns out she is a mixed breed -- oh the horror, LOL. Judging by the size of her, I am going to venture to say she is a Laso/Terrier mix of some kind. My mother, however, would tell you or anyone who might listen that she is a mix of Laso and Dalmatian. How is that for a visual!?
She is a kind dog. Smart as a whip too. She has a myriad of nicknames: Budley, Rosebudelia, Puppy Girl, The Bud, and a few others. And the great thing is that she knows them all. It is not like she will come for just any name -- only her names. I even tried calling her names with the same syllabic structure with a sweet tone of voice. She ignored them - but came to the names she knew were hers. SMART I tell ya.
She is a loyal dog. I think she decided a long time ago that I was her human, rather than her being my dog. While she lived with my Mom, there was no doubt who she loved the best. The minute I walked into a room, she was at my side. Some things, thank heavens, never change. When we inherited her last year when my Mom passed away, she took to me like time had never passed. To this day, I feel kind of badly for it, she follows me from room to room, no matter what I am doing. If I am going back and forth from and to the laundry, she is there by my side with each step. Loyal as can be.
With all the joy she brings, and love and affection and loyalty, she makes me sad. Rosebud is now 16 years old. That is OLD for a dog. She can't get around as easily as she used to, but she still follows my every step. She plops down wherever there is a space for her, and within minutes is snoring away, like you would imagine an old lady might do. Her patience level is waining too. She actually growls at people and tried to take a piece of the screen installer last week. She is old and wants to be left alone; aside from the daily doses of loving and snuggles. It is tough to give her that love though, sometimes.
Rosebud is the K-9 version of Phoebe's Smelly Cat. Only I do take care of her. Ken feeds and waters her, while I make sure she is bathed regularly and all the goopies are out of her eyes. She is an allergic dog, and those allergies come out in her skin. And it smells. Not to mention the constant yeast infections in her ears. Can you imagine how horrible that must feel -- oh the itching! The infections usually keep her inner ears so plugged up and inflamed that she is all but deaf. Add to that the cataracts in her eyes, and this dog has it from all ends.
But just as much as she has all that other stuff is as much as she has my love, affection, loyalty and joy. She is sweet and will forever be my puppy girl. Maybe some time I will tell you about her amazing singing voice!
I love how pets become part of the family. And I love how you said she decided you are her human. I think Portia decided I am her human. A pet's love is like no other and it is the best in the world!
Ohh, she was soo cute. I didn't know here back then. But then again, I haven't met your dad yet, after 20 or so years.. so :) hehehe
Awwww she was such an adorable puppy!!! I didn't know she sings?
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