Tuesday, September 25, 2007


We took the bikes out for their inaugural ride yesterday. Wow! I was so excited. The excitement quickly diminished, though, as I found out just how out of shape I am. Ugh!

I think it might be a while, a short while, before I am heading out on that one mile ride to Teri's or the in-laws'. We went around the corner to our friends' house in our own community, and I was red-faced and gasping for air. Now that may have had something to do with the fact that my bike settings were all set for higher tension, and my seat was too low causing my knees to nearly hit me in the chin with each rotation, but it was tougher than I anticipated.

On our way home, though, I got the gears changed up and adjusted the seat. MUCH better. I may not be as giddy as I was, but I am determined and excited still about getting to go for rides with my honey.

The weather out here has been amazing, so I can only imagine how great it will be as it continues and my endurance builds. I foresee some great rides in our future.


Ken said...

Yay! Bike rides!

Cupcake Blonde said...

This sounds like so much fun!~

Teri said...

I give you so much credit for doing this. I haven't been on a bike in over 25 years. I am afraid I won't be able to keep my balance anymore. :)