Do you ever notice that there are certain things that can make you smile and happy, no matter what else is going on? And unfortunately, there are also a list of things that make you unhappy in the same fashion?
Things that make me smile -- ALWAYS
Ken's tummy!
Rosebud rolling around on the ground and then standing up looking like a Troll Doll
Thorndyke giving me an "Aren't I just too cute" look
Found money in a clothing pocket
Ken's "hey , it's me" calls
Random I LOVE YOU emails
Comments on my blog posting
Peanut butter and jelly sammiches waiting for me in the morning
Things that make me frown -- ALWAYS
When I realize I have been mean or hurtful (intentional or not)
Collections agency calls, even if they are not for me
The dogs eating "kitty caviar"
The sound of a friend's voice who is sad for any reason
Getting on a scale
Alarm clocks
Ken leaving for India
Rosebud having trouble standing up cause her arthritis hurts
When I have no comments on my blog post
Since I want to make you happy.. I am leaving a comment :)
My scale makes me frown, too, that's why it now lives in my closet.
Leaving for India makes me sad too...
The scale is EVIL!! I usually try to apease my bad feelings toward it with chocolate cake!
One thing that make me happy...hearing from and seeing my new blog friends! :)
Ken's tummmy? You lost me after that. TMI. :)
Have a geat week!
Fred: Nothing as TMI as one might think. Sorry I lost you.
Spin and Princess: Why is the scale always the common denominator -- is it a woman thing?
Teri: Thanks
Ken: YOU make me happy
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