Sorry for the delay in writing. It seems the only things I was feeling like writing about were sad, emotional and weepy. So I decided not to post about them incessantly and to deal with them on my own. Today, I am feeling like offering an update on the last month and some random pondering.
I still miss my Mom. There are little things every day that make me miss her, and while I hope that time eases that, I also hope it never goes away. There was a lot of good in my Mom, and do not ever want to forget that.
All the medical stuff is finally coming to a close. I had minor surgery on Tuesday morning, home Tuesday night and out and slowly about by Thursday. It is actually comical -- we went from the promise of a full hysterectomy 5 weeks before the wedding to a laparascopic procedure with doctors' orders to get pregnant as soon as possible.
Work is still crazy, but thanks to the surgery, I was out of the office for a full week. Not looking forward to going back on Tuesday -- Just before I left, they moved my cubicle again! This is my 13th move in less than 10 years, AND it is my second move since July! With each move over the last few years, my space gets smaller and smaller. I fear the next one.
I had the first of 3 bridal showers this weekend. What a delight and what a treat. I will post more about it in the wedding blog.
The dogs and cats are adjusting, at the rate of molasses. Oh. My. God! Thorndyke takes great joy in stalking and torturing the cats, who take great joy in being skiddish and teasing with waving tails and unfriendly growling. They do not get along. At All. I am so totally hoping it will ease up soon.
I owe big thank yous to so many people for all their kind words of encouragement and support over the last 2 months. I cannot imagine going through all of this without the support system that I am lucky enough to have in place. Ken is my rock. In some ways I think my Mom felt OK leaving me because she knew that I had Ken and his amazing family. She knew I would be loved and taken care of. She was right. My friends, Teri, Janell, Lora, Laura, Shannon, etc... have just been out of sight! I do not know how I have managed to garner such wonderful people in my life, but I am feeling very fortunate.
Part of the legacy my Mom left behind was in her frinedships. In the month (yes, 4 weeks yesterday) since she has passed, several of her friends have stepped forward and have slowly but surely become my friends. My mom always said she wanted to give me family, as she had no familial relationships with her siblings or extended family. It saddened her to not be able to give me that. Well, she can rest easy in the knowledge that she has left me a group of aunts, uncles, big and little sisters and even a grandparent or two that have happily and readily stepped to the plate to provide unwaivering support and love.
Pondering: How is it that people we do not know from Adam can grow to be more important and active in our lives than those that are called family?
Not to rip-off the immortal words of Sister Sledge, but we are all family. More and more, family is becoming those that make up your support system as compared to those folks that we happen to have genetic/legal ties to. I just know that I love you and I am more than happy to be there for you.
This is so true. Friendship ties are sometimes that much more powerful and meaningful than blood bonds. I have had that throughout my life and am experiencing some of that right now. My husband's family suddenly doesn't seem to want much to do with us but his "cousin" (by second marriage not blood) has stepped up and filled that void. Family comes in all shapes and sizes.
I am glad you are doing better. It was nice to see a post from you again. I had been patiently waiting knowing you would post in time, but you always make an effort to comment on my blog which is nice. Oh and I meant to ask, did you get my email?
Thanks Ken, now I have that song stuck in my head :)
Get pregnant as soon as possible? Wow - things have changed.
What's interesting about your thoughts is that I know far more about my friends in cyberspace than I know about my own family. Not a good or bad thing, but I guess blogging will do that.
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