Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What have we come to???

I recently read an article about a new city ordinance in lovely Las Vegas that makes it ILLEGAL to FEED HOMELESS people in the parks. Are you kidding me!? Illegal to help someone? Illegal to have a humanitarian bone in one's body? These are not animals, they are people. Living, breathing, HUMAN BEINGS! I am disgusted with the powers that be that would actually allow this to be put into effect.

I understand that if you feed them at certain parks, that is where they may congregate. I understand wanting them to utilize community resources. But ya know what? These are people with no home, no place to live and sometimes no ability to access those resources. If they choose not to access the resources, that is their choice, just as it is the people feeding them's choice to do just that.

What, is it, "do things our way or starve?" That is such unadulterated bullshit.

Oh! By the way, the story I was reading was about a woman who refuses to stop feeding them and has been handed over $500 in fines.

Then there are stories like THIS that give me hope. There need to be more of these stories than the other. I'm done.


Cupcake Blonde said...

I thought the same thing...at first. Then I realised that the only reason why they did this was to make the parks acceptable to everyone, not just the homeless. So direct them to soup kitchens, homeless shelters where they can get a warm meal and a place to sleep maybe even help getting a job. Heck, take them to a diner and feed them. It doesn't say you can't help them, just don't do it in the park. There are ways around everything.

New White Keds said...

Good point, Amanda. I just have to wonder: since when are public parks only good for those with homes? I get your point, really I do. Not sure I want my kids (when there are kids) playing in the park with the homeless. SO maybe I am a hypocrite. I just know that I have given homeless people food, not in a park, but I have done it, and it makes me mad that someone else can tell me when and where to help someone else out.

Teri said...

I totally see both points to this arguement. I just think it is crazy that they had to make it a law.

Fred said...

Imagine all the time wasted on debating this issue. During that time, more important items were being neglected.

I can totally understand the issue, but I think a meeting with local organizations could have done the trick, instead of a law.

Martin said...

I just can't wait to see what happens with the new parks Las Vegas has planned for the revitalization of the downtown area as it becomes more desirable for the homeless.