It has been far too long since I have posted anything on this blog, so I figured I better get to it. The only thing is that I have no real quandaries in my life right now to share. Nothing to ask advice on, and nothing that demands writing about. Ken has updated on the stage of our house in his blog. (It really is cool, though to watch the house go up!) Work is crazy with all the audits and site visits pending and studies due and my boss leaving, but I am on a straight course for that.
I know! Here is one for you all... I am constantly late, "10 minutes late is part of my charm" can often be heard coming from my mouth. I have done everything I can think of to not be this way -- to the point that no two clocks in my house are set the same, so I never know really what time it is, only that they are all a little fast. STILL, I get caught up in all sorts of nonsense, on the phone, or having mini meltdowns over what to wear, etc., and end up running late. I can pull it off sometimes, but nearly often enough, and poor Ken is caught in it too. He is punctual as can be, so I hate that my bad habits end up effecting him. Ack! I am thinking this is one that I will have to work on for a long time... Any suggestions?
When my family makes plans they always tell me that the start time is a half an hour earlier than it really is so I'll be there on time. Maybe have Ken go through one random day and set all of your clocks ahead when you're not home?
My personal favorite comment is when I hear "I'm late for work" at 5 minutes to 8 and you haven't even started getting dressed yet. Now I realize that one data point does not make a trend, but I think I can count the number of times you have left for work from Majestic before 7:45 on one hand...
PS - I'm noticing the time on this post...very interesting.
It is who you are and we love you for it (most of the time..evil grin) heheheheheh
I have my bedside clock set forward 25 minutes. It usually keeps me freaked out when I look at it before going to work. I do also have my pager clock set 5 minutes fast. Traffic will always confound things and I still leave home 1 hour before work. If I get there early, I read and/or listen to my iPod.
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