Someone forgot to tell me that I do not handle change very well. In fact, someone, not sure who, let me think I am a pro at change and would be just fine with whatever came my way.
For the record, they were WRONG! Change is tough, uncomfortable and constant. In the last week, I have had 3 cats and my fiance move into what was my house, but is now ours. In no way do I question the decisions we have made or continue to make, but I do question my sanity at times.
Not having had a pet for the last 10 years, it is taking a lot of adjusting to get used to all the noises, hair and smells of an animal -- even if they are too cute and sweet for words.
Living alone for the last 10 years was more defining of me as a person that I thought. Coming home to someone at the end of the day, while exhilarating and wonderful, is also a big change.
BUT: the plus side of all of it is that it is all working out. I had a melt down on Friday morning and I learned a lot from it. Since Ken and I are great communicators, it is working out that we have dialogue and clear it all up before it festers. And at the end of the day, I get to end each day with him, and that makes me happy.
We are not running back and forth between Henderson and the NW as much, and as a result, we even found time for the gym. No kicking and screaming from me either. I figure I get to watch Ken work out and that makes me smile, and I get to burn off a bunch of tension and stress while getting ready to fit into a wedding dress.
All's well that ends well... All's well here! So while I may not do change very well, who does?
I hate change, and have a meltdown each time it happens. I think you are handeling this well. At least look on the brigth side, all the changes coming your way are wonderful and happy :)
Change is big, and living with someone is a really, really big change. There will be meltdowns, compromises to be made, and habits to change. BUT, every single day you'll get to wish each other a good morning and kiss each other goodnight.
OK, I had to go back and re-read it.. hahahahahahah
I don't know if I could handle the pets thing. I really like not tripping over a food bowl or spilling water.
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